Is a private, not-for-proft, volunteer based organization providing educational and athletic programs to children and youth for over 30 years. Suffolk PAL is a 501  (C) (3), charitable organization and is registered as a New York state charity. You and/or your business can receive a tax deduction for your financial contributions. All donations (with no direct benefit or product in return) are 100% tax deductible. For specific tax benefits, please see your tax advisor.

There are several ways for both individuals and corporations to give listed below:

Direct Contributions

  • Online through our website, click here to Donate now.
  • Mail a check or money order made out to Suffolk PAL, check out our contact page for our address!

Special Contributions

  • Honor/Memorials are gifts in honor or memory of friends and family members. Simply add the names and addresses of individuals you wish to memorialize or honor along with your contribution.
  • Matching Gifts are made by designing your contribution as a matching gift and including your employer’s matching gift form.
  • Securities or gifts of stock are welcome donations and tax deductions for you.
  • Monthly Giving involves making monthly donations electronically, either as transfers from your checking account or as charges to a credit card. Each month your gift is safely and reliably transferred to Suffolk PAL from the account you authorized.
  • Sport Specific Sponsor you can designate a sport or program that resonates with you most and would like your donation to go towards, such as Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, Mentoring, etc..

Become a Corporate Partner

Suffolk PAL’s Business PAL Program welcomes support from companies of all sizes, by becoming a Corporate Partner your company will receive recognition throughout the year. Please contact our Director of Resource Development for further details

Foundation & Endowment Funding

The Suffolk County Policy Athletic League, Inc can meet or exceed your requirements for funding of our programs. PAL utilizes a Best Practice Approach to all of our programs and places a great emphasis on accountability and fiscal responsibility. Many of our programs are nationally recognized as innovated in their approach and effective in their implementation. Please contact our Executive Director, Mr. George Waldbauer or our Director of Resource Development, Mr. Donald Yorie at (631)-852-6107.