The Suffolk County Police Athletic League is one of the largest and most successful juvenile crime prevention and recreational programs in the country.
Suffolk County PAL realizes that every child is unique in ability and interests so we have tried to offer as many activities as possible. Some of the programs we offer include baseball, basketball, bowling, football, boxing, cheerleading, golf, soccer, lacrosse, track and field, fishing trips, karate. PAL also offers many different camps and clinics for children during the summer.
PAL touches the lives of over 20,000 boys and girls, many who would have no organized sports in their lives without PAL.
Not long ago people looked out for one another. Many of today’s families feel isolated. The Suffolk County PAL is working together with Business and Community leaders, Clergy, Teachers, and Parents to revitalize the concept of “neighborhood”, by involving the Community in the fight against juvenile crime, drugs, alcohol, and violence in a way that kids respect. Our kids are 25% of our population and 100% of our future.
My son has never been happier to be part of Suffolk PAL. Thank you so much!
Community Development

P.A.L. is a catalyst for the positive development and healthy personal growth of the young people in our communities. From it’s most basic element through ever expanding parameters, P.A.L emerges as a truly dynamic, innovative and exciting action force in any community.
Although all children are eligible to join P.A.L programs, the immediate aim is to reach the neighborhood youth who are without recreational affiliations. Boredom, apathy, and loneliness along with other problems facing Suffolk’s youth blend into a volatile mix. Our long-range goal is to keep these kids interested in sports and activities and out of trouble. While there are many programs throughout Suffolk, only P.A.L. has direct interaction between the child and the police officers. Very often, the first experience a child has with a police officer is an adversarial one – kids in trouble, families in distress. We feel that the first meeting is much more beneficial on a ball field as apart of a team in a positive environment.
Cops and kids together, respect for each other and the law is the basis of P.A.L. Sports and activities, teaches teamwork; helps develop individual skills; teaches confidence, and sportsmanship; helps the children adapt socially. The cop, the kid, parents and communities working together is the best way to provide safer communities. Support of P.A.L. today is an investment for a safer tomorrow.
P.A.L. is more than a sports or recreation program. P.A.L. develops character, leadership and responsibility values in over 26,000 boys and girls, while generating their respect for law and order, and for the men and women who uphold the law as a livelihood. P.A.L. enhances a youth’s self respect and esteem by channeling young energies in worthwhile directions, supporting and encouraging interest during a youngster’s impressionable an formative years.
Through the operation of community based clubs and programs, the Suffolk County P.A.L. exposes youngsters to sports and other wholesome recreational activities. By teaching good sportsmanship and citizenship, we advance their moral, physical, mental and social growth.
Cops and kids together, respect for each other and the law is the basis of P.A.L. Sports and activities, teaches teamwork; helps develop individual skills; teaches confidence, and sportsmanship; helps the children adapt socially. The cop, the kid, parents and communities working together is the best way help our kids grow the right way.
We Instill Values

Help change the lives of our youth and build a better community for our families. See how you can help or donate today!